Saturday, January 17, 2009

1999... I met the love of my life

This post is the story of Marshall Lorance and Tabetha Bowling. Marshall was a way too popular for me Junior and I was a shy Freshman whose heart sunk every time I would see him. We went to a very small high school so that was often. I actually dated a guy the beginning of the school year that was one of Marshall's friends AND one of my brothers friends. I don't even know if you would really call it dating though at 14. Mostly we went to school basketball games and he took me home from school. We were "bf and gf" though. He had been around my family for many years and my dad did not like this at all. I mean he had slept at my house many times when he was younger. I have to admit it was all a little weird but, I was a freshman and he asked me out. What could I say? He was a Junior. Okay so lets go to after Christmas Break freshman year. I hung out with another guy that was also a freshman but we were never really "together". Also, right after Christmas I met my great friend, Tiffonie. She also dated one of Marshall's good friends, Josh. We hung out ALOT. This is how me and Marshall officially met. I went to a basketball tournament with the "freshman" guy. I guess he was more into the guys there because he totally ignored me the whole time and that is when Josh's best friend, Marshall, decided to come give me a little company. Needless to say I rode home with Josh and Tiff. So anyways Tiffonie immediately wanted to know what I thought about Marshall. He was so cute, a JUNIOR, and did I mention so cute. So I knew he wouldn't give me the time of day but little did I know he thought I was cute too. So tiff asked if she could give him my phone number and that is where the story officially begins.
This was the actually piece of paper that she wrote my # down on and Marshall saved it all this time. Of course now it is scrapbooked!

We talked every day from that moment on. We would hang out at Josh's house or at Tiff's house. I wasn't really sure how my parents would feel about me dating so I kind of kept it a secret for a while. Finally after a couple of weeks Marshall finally asked me the big question. His exact words were, "Will you be my girlfriend". I kind of laughed but I said yes. The date was
March 12, 1999. A date I will never forget. My 15th birthday was in 2 weeks on the 26th so I decided this would make a great 1st real date. Marshall surprised me and didn't tell me where we were going and I was really excited, and nervous that this was our first time to be alone. Just me and him one on one dating. When he came to the door my dad wanted to see his drivers license before he could take me away. LOL. How embarrassing. It was a perfect night and when we got to the restaurant I saw some faces that I knew. That is right. He surprised me with a wonderful meal at Demos' and my 2 best friends and their date. I tell ya this really made things feel so relaxed. Amazing how he knew just what to do (with some help from my friend, Tiffonie). He bought me several gift (and didn't even have a job--Thanks Shandra..hehehe). Not bad for my boyfriend of 2 weeks. I just knew he had to be worth hanging onto..

This is a picture that they took at Demos' the night of my birthday dinner and our first date.

I wish I could say that me and Marshall have been together every day since March of 1999 but it just doesn't work that way. We went through school together. We had our breakups. We had our fights. We even dated other people for a short while. But in the end we always found our way back to each other. I can say that Marshall is the only man I have ever loved with all my heart. I am so blessed. Shortly after I was finished with high school there was another memorable moment that came. Don't worry I will not leave you hanging too long. I will say though that a diamond rings was involved. :)

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! You guys make such a great couple. And yes, your both "cute", lol!
